Wednesday, November 11, 2009

non verbal communication project

Group four decided invade people’s personal space by going to a mall and sitting on benches and recording the reactions of the person next to us. Although we all did the same thing, everyone got a different result.
For instance, When Madison went to the Burnsville Center she found that elderly people don’ care if their personal space is invaded. Abby went to the Burnsville Center as well, although she targeted a few different age groups. First she sat next to a few girls at a food court. Who were disturbed by her abrupt sitting down and no discussion? Second see sat by a single aged mom and her son, who didn’t mind their personal space being invaded. Lastly, Abby sat by an elderly woman who ignored her, and an elderly man who ignored her too.
April was another group member to do this experiment. Although when she went to the mall of America she took her whole family( husband, 5 children ages 6, 7, 9, 12,and 14).Her and her family received a whole bunch of reactions when conducting this experiment.
For instance, he two older son’s ages 12 and 14 got a whole bunch of looks when they sat next to other people on a bench. April also said her husband got reactions like woman walking away.
My point is non verbal communication can be more valuable than verbal communication sometimes. I think we all learned this by performing this experiment.

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