Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Besides being a perfectionist I tend to over generalize things. For example, if someone is telling a joke I’ll take in the wrong context sometimes depending on what the joke was representing. A good example would be last week when I met a few of my boyfriend’s friends. He mentioned beforehand that I had a disability, but they still had to raze me a bit. I could take it for the first five minutes, but after that I walked away from them. I know I do the same, and yes that makes me a hypocrite, but I make sure the person next to me really isn’t offended. I wouldn’t tell a joke right as I met someone if I knew they had a disability.
I tend to take the little things to far. For instance, if someone stresses me out I’ll think about it so much that it’s a bigger issue than it really is. This in turn will give me a seizure because I made something that wasn’t a big deal a big issue.
I’ve only had that happen a few times in my life, and I’m working really hard to control over generalizing things. However, change is hard and it doesn’t just happen in one day. It can take years to change something like this.

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