Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cultural Differences

My dad recently stated dating a Vietnamese woman. Since they started dating, I've realized the American culture is different from the Vietnamese culture.
For example: For the past couple of weeks I have been sick. When Tammy comes around me, see gets way to close to me. I politely say" You shouldn't be this close to me right now because you are going to catch this cold," but she doesn't understand because she stays at the same distance. The book related this cultural difference to behavioral language: names or things that imply people say or do certain things.

Another way American culture is different from the Vietnamese culture is they don't understand our language very well. It's very hard to get a joke across to someone that is from another part of the world because you have to explain the context of the joke to the point where its not funny anymore. For example: Most American’s know who Bill Engvall is. If you've seen his stand up shows, you know he’s famous because of there’s your sign. Although he has many of them, many of us know one off the top of our heads. However, if you were to try and explain a here’s your sign joke to someone from Vietnam or china, they probably wouldn't understand it.

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