Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reaction's Playing off our Emotion's

Everyone shows emotion. However, we all express how we're feeling about a certian situation differently. For example: everyone reacts to September 11, 2001 differently. Many people knew someone working in the trade towers, near the trade towers,or maybe you knew some that was flying that day. Whatever your situation, we all have a recation about what happened that day.
Can you remember where you were when the first plan hit the World Trade Center? What were you feeling at that moment? I remember I was in seventh grade geography class when our princpial told us to gohome and be with our families. When I got home from school, they just kept replying the same news footage over and over again. Personally, every time I saw the plan's hit the building's, my heart started to race and I felt like I couldn't breath. The factor's I was expirencing at that given moment was physiological factors.

Nonverbal reactions can also have an affect on you emotions. For example: if I was to sweat, leave the room, or turn my head when the news played the same footage every fifteen minutes, people probably would be able to tell that I hada problemwithwhat happen that day, and that I'd rather not watch it.

Lastly, verbal expression.
Manypeople use languge to communicate what the are feeling. However,when that isn't possible, people use nonverbal and physiological factors to get their feels heard.
When our princpial told us togo home and be with our families the rest of the day, she was using verbal communicatin. This direct order lead people to panic and go home to their families.

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