Friday, October 2, 2009

being sick

For the past two weeks I've been trying to overcome a cold. When I have a cold, I get a fever, sneeze, cough, and get the chills. The only thing I seem to want to do is lay around the house and drink orange juice.
When reading about perceptions in chapter three, I realized that health, and being tired are two perceptions that can affect a way someone acts.
When I have a cold, I am tired and don't want to do much of anything. It seems like people have to force me to do my homework right not. However, when I feel normal I get my assignments done on time, and spend my spare time cleaning the house and going to see my grandpa.

Whether I’m fatigued, hungry, or unhealthy, my actions are most appropriate when I’m awake, healthy, or full. I think this because when we are fatigued, sick, or hungry, our actions aren’t what they would be if we were full, awake, and healthy. For a better perspective we express ourselves better when we aren’t sick, tired, or hungry.
I have to go finish closing up my cabin this weekend, and because I’m sick it’s not going to be much fun. When we are sick, we still have to do things that we don’t want to do at that moment. However, how do we get the courage to go out and conger those activities? Even though I know I should rest, I feel terrible when I give myself a day to do so. I feel like I’ve been lazy all day, and that I’m going to have to make up a lot of work later. I’m sure this is different for every person, but I hope I find an answer for this question.

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