Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reviewing material

When reviewing material for my first exam, I found a few items I wasn't completlty understanding. First , I wasn't understanding the full concept of the tranactional model and how it related to the linear communication model. I found out that the tranactional and linear model opperate the same way expect the tranactional model removes the words sender and reciever and replances them withcommunicatior because communication is going both ways.
Another thing I wasn't understanding was the different types of noise. I found out there were four different types of noise. First there is phycholigical needs, consist of thing like food, oxygen, water, and relatively constant body temperature. Second Maslow attends to a persons Saftey needs. These needs apply to to children be insicure and adults feeling safe in their envirmoent. The next need maslow attends to is people feeling loved, have a sense of belongingm and affection towards others. When we feel safe in our envirmoents and have our physical well being taken care of, people can focus on feeling love and affection towards others. Lastly, Maslow stresses the need of Self-Actualization. This need is key because it entitles a person to feel they are here to do something.
When I took The test, I was amaed that I got such a low score at first. However, when the essay questions were graded I did a lot better. I'm pleased with the effort I put into studying for this first exam.

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