Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm upset

When out to dinner with my father last night, we had a conversation about why I don'tshare my opinions as often as I should. I told him I don't share my opinion because when I do someone doesn't like what I have to say.

When futher thinking about this I realised that I selected to operate this way. We should care what people think about ouropinions. Thats why they're called opinions. I believe this image I portray is related to my childhood. When I was younger, my mother always got upset when she asked for our opinion on something and we told her the truth.She got so angry that we didn't agree with her sometimes. I believe these episodes shaped my idenity. I don't share my opinions around my parents because they get upset.

Though my dad was up that night, he understood why I act this way. When the conversation went futher herealised he gets upset when I share my opinion. For example: I told my father that I thought it was weird he was dating again. Mainly because he hadn't dated since my mother. I went on to saying that I was happy for him. I think he selects to do this because he is happt and wants everyone tobe happy about the situation.

Before we went to eat, my father and I were getting our nails done. Yes I know a man getting a petacure is strange, but thats my father. While my father was getting his petacure, he was telling the nail technition abouthis new girlfriend. While talking about tammy, the petacurist ask ifshe was divorced and if the children were in the fathers life? My dad said Tammy had been married, but was now divorced. She has five children from to marrigess and the father isn'tin their lives. I was okay with that response. However, he than went on to saying that fathers leave their children when getting divorced, and then come ack when the child can take care of themselves. I thought this statement was very strerotypical. Not all fathers walk away from their children when getting divorced . Just because Tammy's ex husbands, and yourself walked away from you children doesn't mean every man does.

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