Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm starting understand what my sister Chelsey told me about online classes. She said they were hard because you have to be motivated, and when your not is when you start digging yourself into a hole. Though I feel I'm doing well in this online Communications class, I think I could use some improvement. When I answer the discussion question,I feel my answers aren't to college standards. It seems my other group members can word there answers better than me. I would like to work on that.

Another thing i have realized is the material we are studying all ties together. I'm finally understanding who I am, and changing some of my daily habits. For example: I stopped asking my dad where hes going when he goes out at night. If he want to disclose that he's going to the casino that is fine. This as made my life a lot less stressful because I'm always worried he will ask me for money. However, I just stopped caring.

One thing I want to learn n this class is how to overcome my fear of going up to someone I don't know and introduce myself. I have introduced myself to people before, but I feel more comfortable when someone does the introductions. I wonder why I feel so uncomfortable introducing myself when I'm with a group of people. I really need to overcome this fear and being uncomfortable about this situation.

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